Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mini Cheese Cake



  • 55 gm Marie Biscuit
  • 25 gm Icing Sugar
  • 25 gm Unsalted Butter, melted


  • 450 gm Cream Cheese, softened
  • 100 gm Caster Sugar
  • 15 gm Lemon Juice
  • 2 gm Grated Lemon Zest
  • 3 gm Vanilla Essence
  • 2 Eggs
  • 250 gm Strawberry Filling, for decoration


1. Preheat oven to 165 degrees C. Prepare 12pcs solo cup.


2. In a medium bowl, mix together the Marie Biscuit, Icing Sugar and melted Butter with a fork until combined. Measure a rounded tablespoon of the mixture into the bottom of each solo cup, pressing firmly. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 5 minutes, then remove to cool. Keep the oven on.

混合玛丽饼干,糖粉和融化牛油在一个中型碗,用叉子搅拌直到均匀.用饭匙衡每个杯底一匙,压紧.放进预热烤箱烘烤5分钟,然后取出冷却. 烤箱保持温度.

3. Beat together the cream cheese, sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest and vanilla until fluffy. Mix in the egg.


4. Pour the cream cheese mixture into the solo cups, filling each until 3/4 full. Bake at 165 degrees C for 25 minutes. Cool completely and pour some strawberry filling on top for decoration. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

把奶油乳酪糊倒入杯,每个填至3 / 4.放进预热烤箱烤25分钟。完全冷却后倒上一些草莓馅料作装饰. 放进冰箱准备冷藏.

Merry Christmas to all Hearty's members...

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