Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mini Cake Box 迷你蛋糕纸盒

共有5款, 每个rm 0.40.
适合用于包装迷你蛋糕, 慕斯蛋糕, 面包, 等等...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

June's Schedule


PROMOTION Demo Class 优惠模拟班
8th June, 2010 (Tuesday) 2.30pm RM 25 Chef : Steven
- Blueberry Cheese Tart - 蓝莓芝士挞
- Vanilla Ice-Cream - 香草冰淇淋
- Oreo Chilled Mousse Cake - Oreo冷却慕斯蛋糕

Demo Class 模拟班
13th June, 2010 (Sunday) 2.30pm RM 35 Astro Chef : Nermala
- Kek Kukus Lembap Chocolate - 蒸巧克力湿蛋糕
- Black Sesame Chili Chicken Bread - 黑芝麻加里鸡面包
- Crispy Black Currant Cookies - 黑加仑脆饼干

APAM Demo Class 煎糕模拟班
17th June, 2010 (Thursday) 7.30pm RM 40 Chef : Fauziah
- Apam Gula Hangus - 焦糖煎糕
- Apam Pisang Susu - 蕉奶煎糕
- Apam Betawi - Betawi煎糕
- Pudding Caramel - 焦糖布丁

MOIST CAKE Demo Class 美式蛋糕模拟班
23th June, 2010 (Wednesday) 7.30pm RM 40 Chef : Fauziah
- Moist Chocolate Cake - 美式巧克力蛋糕
- Moist Banana Cake - 美式香蕉蛋糕
- Almond Carrot Cake - 杏仁萝卜蛋糕
- Prune Cake - 黑枣蛋糕

Cupcake Demo + Workshop On Décoration Class 杯形蛋糕模拟 + 装饰作坊
25th June, 2010 (Friday) 2.30pm RM 80 Chef : Emily Lai
- Pandan Coconut Cupcake - 班丹椰子杯型蛋糕
- Chocolate Cupcake - 巧克力杯型蛋糕
- Cheddar Cheese Cupcake - 切达干酪杯型蛋糕
* 9 types of cupcake decoration with * 9种杯形蛋糕装饰
- Chocolate Cream - 巧克力奶油
- Butter Icing - 奶油糖霜
- Piping Jelly - 果冻酱
Tools Required
Nozzel #18, 77, Spatula抹刀, Piping Bag挤花袋, Towel毛巾, Scissor剪刀.

NEW RAYA COOKIES Demo Class 开斋节饼干模拟班
30th June, 2010 (Wednesday) 7.30pm RM 40 Chef : Fauziah
- Kurma Delight “开斋节” 特点饼干种类
- Cheese Tart Square
- Sweet Rozie
- Nestum Crispy
- Florentine White Chocolate

PAKET - Sekaligus daftar Chef Fauziah punya kelas, cuma bayar RM 100 saja.
- Above information are sudjected to changes or cancel without prior notice.
- Please walk in for registration 3 day in advance. Payment are required when registration. All the conducted with limited seat only.
- Family member above 10 years old are chargeable too and children below 9 years old are not allowing during class proceed.